Thursday, August 14, 2014

Preparatory Phase Progression 2.0: Week 2, Day 4

Source: WonderLifter's Flickr

Snatch from Blocks Above the Knee

1 Set of 3 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 70%
2 Sets of 3 Reps @ 75%

Power Clean

1 Set of 3 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 70%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @ 75%

Push Press

1 Set of 4 Reps @ 60%
4 Sets of 4 Reps @ 70%

Front Squat

1 Set of 3 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 70%
3 Sets of 4 Reps @ 80%

Snatch Extension from Blocks Above the Knee

4 Sets of 3 Reps @ 80%

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